Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Waking up this beautiful morning, i felt contented and my spirit happy within me. After i was dressed for work, i said my prayers and asked God to see me through the day and to always make me happy the way i was this particular morning.

I never knew someone was angry!

Standing in front of my house waiting for a cab since i narrowly missed a ride to work, there comes the devil in a red shiny car and white flowing robe. Talk about the devil wearing white!

I told him where i was going to and he called a price i did not agree to. He later agreed to the amount i said and even though i hesitated before entering the car, i sat down and that was how
my encounter with the devil began.

On the way, i noticed he was throwing some glances my way that i cant put a name to, and since
i was in a good spirit, i ignored him and continuing singing and drumming on my laptop bag that was on my lap. I forgot what the bible said that "DO NOT BE IGNORANT OF THE DEVICES OF THE DEVIL".

The devil kept looking at me in a way that made my skin go cold and at times, he would shake his head and shape his mouth in a mocking way. And i started wondering within myself, what kind of a man is this. I looked at him properly, the car was neat both inside and out, the white robe he was wearing was immaculate and he has a big scar in the middle of his head. I guess that was where his horn were meant to be.

When we got to the last roundabout we were to negotiate before i get to my office, i directed the devil that he was going to the other side of the road, he looked at me derisively and hissed!. I looked at myself and i could not see what he was hissing at. I asked the devil if he has any problem and he said yes but i should just shut-up. I was dumbfounded. I told him not to tell me to shut up and that he doesn't have to work if he is not happy.

I was further stunned when the devil said its not my fault and started saying a lot of vulgar things i wont even bother repeating. At that point, all i wanted was to get out of the devil's car.
By this time, we were already in front of my office. i quickly payed him his money and asked for my change. That was when the next bout of attack began.

He opened his glove compartment which was in front of me and directly above my knee as if he wanted to give me change and the next thing i knew, i could feel his hands all over my lap. Need i say i was wearing a shirt and knee length skirt so there was no question of me having enticed him in anyway. I demanded what he is up to and i screamed at him, he removed his hands and continued fishing inside the glove compartment as if for change, and all of a sudden he started pawing me again.

It was then i lost it.

I held him in front of his cloth and started screaming and raining curses on him. To my dismay, all he did was laugh. He told me that since i'm grabbing him in front of his cloth, he will grab me too in front. I immediately released him, it was then i realise the best thing i could do was just get out of the car and let him go back to hell where he belongs.

He gave me my change, not from the glove compartment but from his pocket and as i was getting out of the car, he was moving thereby dragging my legs on the tarred road. I was so angry i banged my heavy laptop bag on his booth . The impact was so great that it made a loud noise and his booth was dented. Looks like i broke one of his rear lights too.

I saw him packed his car two blocks away from office, checking the damage to his car.

All i could tell myself was that i should not have entered that car. The holy spirit warned me in the way of my hesitation to take the cab but i guess i was not spiritualy alert enough!.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

KnOwInG tHe SoUrCe.

Have you ever heard the story of the giant ship engine that failed? The ship's owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure out how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a youngster. He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom.

Two of the ship's owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed!

A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars. "What?!" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did anything!" So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an itemized bill." The man sent a bill that read: Tapping with a hammer ........$2.00, Knowing where to tap ............$9,998.00 .GRAND TOTAL......... $10,000.00 .

Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your life makes all the difference. I pray GOD to always give us the insight to know WHERE TO TAP whenever we are faced with the dangers and WORRISOME SITUATIONS associated with the DECISIONS of today. May the good Lord always bless our effort When we know where to tap, (through His grace), may He lead and direct us on how to do the tapping.